Emerging Trends in the research and development of PAS
In conjunction with EDOC 2020
The international Frontiers of Process Aware Systems (FoPAS) 2020 workshop, organised in conjunction with IEEE EDOC 2020, brings together researchers and practitioners working within the process definition and execution phases of modern process aware systems and their wider enterprise environments.
Process Aware Systems (PAS) are software systems that manage and orchestrate operational processes involving human and non-human resources, applications, tools and information sources through the execution of process models. Processes and their executions can be considered as the ‘glue’ that binds PAS to enterprise systems, providing support for, and delivering insights into, enterprise-wide business processes. New ways to express and execute processes, and new software tools, methods, techniques and algorithms that extend current capabilities, are needed to project PAS into the new and emerging organisational challenges.
The ever-widening scope of PAS applicability has lately come to the forefront of PAS research. Explorations into integrations of PAS with blockchain networks, Internet of Things cloud computing platforms, and robotics (both software and hardware) is of great interest to business and research alike.
The workshop will comprise a keynote speech, paper presentations and an open panel discussion. The goals of this workshop are to bring together active researchers and industry analysts, architects and engineers to discover and discuss emerging trends in PAS research and development, and to create synergies for future directions.
This workshop seeks quality technical and position papers covering the fundamental and developmental aspects at the leading edge of research integrating and extending PAS within the enterprise. It is targeted at both active researchers in the areas discussed above, and at industry analysts, architects and engineers.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
Important Dates (extended)